Data Driven Innovation and Big Data
If you are a visiting scientist, undergraduate or a student doing your research in the field of Big Data or want to find new approaches to these topics, the Technologiestiftung Berlin cordially invites you to the Researchers Forum – Focus on Big Data. On the 22th of July, you will get the chance to meet and introduce yourself to representatives from different institutions, and fellow visiting scientists from all over the world.
Daten Driven Innovation in Berlin
Nicolas Zimmer
CEO Technologiestiftung Berlin
A Marketplace for Information and Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities
Dr. Holmer Hemsen
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Database Systems and Information Management Group
Technische Universität Berlin
Feature-Directed Visualization
Prof. Dr. Vijay Natarajan
Konrad Zuse Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore