Every second firm in Berlin planned to launch an innovation in 2014. This was one finding of Innovationserhebung Berlin 2014, the Technologiestiftung Berlin study (in German only). Unfortunately, new products and services often remain obscure or only attract the notice of specialists. The new platform was designed to change the situation by tracking down technological advanced developments or new inventions and showcasing them in a registry. The platform is an important element of the Senator for Economic Affairs’ initiative for the modernisation of the process for awarding contracts.
Background information: The state of Berlin has more than 2,000 offices that award contracts. Each year, they award contracts with a combined value of between €4 billion and €5 billion for everything from keys to software. Although new products are often more economically sustainable, innovative solutions an be at a disadvantage during the process because the calls for tender are usually not formulated openly enough and the awarding offices may not have considered the latest developments in their specifications. Initiated and realised by Technologiestiftung Berlin, Berlin Innovation offers assistance in the search for modern technologies. At the same time, the website serves a business tool for prototype city Berlin, which not only devises innovative solutions but also has the power to realise them. presents innovative products, processes and services organised by sector. Categories such as ‘Benefits and solutions’, ‘Areas of application and target groups’ and ‘References’ provide a user-friendly classification system.
The examples range from intelligent fleet management and construction planning software to 3-D disinfection. Companies based in Berlin can have their innovative products, services and processes listed free of charge. Applications are accepted based on transparent criteria.
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